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專業審核員 The professional auditor

Stop to telling our client the solution or auditor's subjective comments , try to believe that they have the ability to solve their own problems by themselves . No matter their solution is good or bad, the auditors should always support and encourage our clients to find their own answers , and living in their own life style with happiness.

審核員在審核過程中常發表自己的意見, 我們常自認為最好的做法, 但在現實生活中,往往事與願違,不能達成, 使我們意不能平。但我們必須相信:目前我們客人所擁有的,不論順境、逆境,都可能是對他們最好的安排。若能如此,我們每人才能在順境中感恩,在逆境中依舊心存喜樂。

回應 偽裝的聖母 一文


離開QAA 的日子

今晚剛聽過生命傳愛行動的"生命教育講座 " , 分享了葉青霖攝影大師的生活心得 , 心情恬然開朗, 也重逢中學同學 , 現為腫瘤專科郭醫生, 感人生之奇妙 . 得知"志工" - 有志向成為義工一詞 , 仿似吾現階段之心聲

可到 分享葉SIR 唯美的生命網誌 , 必有得着.....

正如其新書 " 生死兩相安" 中所說的 "開放自己, 放開自己" , 願共勉之 !!

About Me

Hong Kong, China
Independent Management Coach (Business partner in Certification sector)