As the quality professional, it is my duty to say sth about the World Quality Day , pls check below message and enter to join.
Quoted by CQI website as below :-
" On 8 November, World Quality Day gives you the opportunity to celebrate your commitment to quality. The CQI can help you raise awareness throughout your business community and around the world. Join us now.
Held on the second Thursday in November each year, World Quality Day is an opportunity for your organisation to:
- place quality at the top of the boardroom agenda
- instill quality at the heart of the organisation
- demonstrate your commitment to quality
- use the CQI to improve the way things are done
- perpetually improve the business and survive in an increasingly competitive marketplace
understand the importance of quality of product and quality of delivery, for your customers by taking an innovative and caring approach
Join in
You can support World Quality Day by talking to your colleagues, promoting it on your website or intranet or putting on an event.
If you promote World Quality Day on your website with a link to us, we will put your logo on the CQI website with a link back to your World Quality Day page.
Why not promote World Quality Day by putting up posters in your organisation. Download our pdf (A4) poster.
By hosting an event you are not only giving your quality professionals much deserved recognition but you are helping raise the awareness of quality to your customers and stakeholders. And it's a great way to boost morale in your team. Contact the CQI for event ideas. "