本星期日可有時間來玩玩「聾健共融工作坊」, 認識與聾人溝通的基礎,詳見下文。
你可給我們傳出本消息嗎? 謝謝。
「聾健共融工作坊」 Deaf Awareness Workshop
- 放映聾人電影 - 簡易手語介紹與學習 - 手語歌體驗 - 聾的溝通體驗遊戲 - 引起聽障的原因- 聾人文化及權益 The workshop (in Chinese) promoting public awareness of persons with hearing despair and their culture includes deaf film screening, simple sign language and songs, deaf aware- ness games and rights of deaf persons. A. 2012.1.8 (日Sun) 下午2:30pm –5:00pm 賽馬會創意藝術中心L7-19 L7-19, JCCAC 石硤尾白田街30號 30,Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei
B. 2012.1.15 (日Sun) 下午2:30pm –5:00pm
香港聾人協進會 Hong Kong Association of the Deaf 九龍彩虹邨紫薇樓111號地下(彩虹港鐵站C3出口) No.111, G/F., Chi Mei House Estate, Kowloon. 費用全免·請早登記預留名額 Free Admission·Please call for reservation
*鳴謝 Acknowledgement: 勞工及福利局 Labour and Welfare Bureau
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我的深水埗 - 雄仔叔叔打書會
My Sham Shui Po– Uncle Hung’s new book & Story Telling
<book of solo>和<野人之書>,都是中英對照。巡迴打書會, 書,是獨脚戲<麵包與黑玫魂---世代接力的情詩>的延續﹔ 深水埗是雄仔叔叔故事的搖籃,人生最初十年的起承轉合, I remember every face of every man who put me here --bob Dylan Uncle Hung will introduce his two new books: Book of Solo & The Urban Ark and tell his stories of Sham Shui Po.
2012.1.7(六Sat) 下午 3pm - 5pm
賽馬會創意藝術中心7樓 綠色空間
L7 Green Space, JCCAC, 30, Pak Tin Street, Shek
Kip Mei,Kowloon
免費演出! Free Admission !