永遠的偶像 ! Steve Jobs and you
求知若飢 虛懷若愚﹣Steve Jobs
------>出生即被未婚的母親送養,付不出昂貴的學費而輟學,被自己創立的公司開除,被醫生診斷出絕症......這一連串的人生低潮,對Steve Jobs而言,卻是最美好的考⋯⋯更多
Steve Jobs, 1997 Think Different http://whiteappleer.tw/2010/12/24/the-story-of-apple-commercial-think-different/
Apple - Think Different http://youtu.be/CaBqTYt669w
Think Different – YOU
E.G. on-line training : Why I flipped my classroom ?
Virtual Classroom This presentation talks about the features of the WiZiQ Virtual Classroom.
查理·卓别林1940年之作《大獨裁者》的演講,71年前的作品,依然說出了今天千萬人的心聲。 One of the most important speeches in recorded history was given by Charlie Chaplin. If you like what you see please share the video any way you can and pass the message on.
Chinese translator: Youtube user/dumdidolabumbuladido
原片網址 Original video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WibmcsEGLKo
Communication in our net age :
1) Direct interaction with famious people (e.g. Obma)
2) Online immedicate interaction
3) mobile interaction involved
4) experiential in selling process
5) customer focus PR (e.g. Domino invite customer to improve their products/ services)
Source : www.cuhk.edu.hk/emba/
=======> Internet of things