Professional Diploma in Corporate Environmental Management :
Sharing topics :-
1) PDCA discussion and sharing :
2) Certification process
Database for TUV service :
3) Cost concern
4) CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
This journal published in association with CSR Asia, providing a practical resource for the ever increasing number of organisations who undertake environmental audits, apply environmental management systems and are interested in associated corporate environmental management tools. The focus of the journal is on practical case studies, the reporting of best practice, debate on the effectiveness of tools and knowledge about important developments in the area. It discusses issues of methodology, principles, practice, science, technology and law. It is a refereed journal and contributions of a high quality aimed at an interdisciplinary audience are invited.
5) FSC :
FSC(The Forest Stewardship Council),即森林管理評價委員會,是由世界自然基金會組織發起的一個非盈利的國際組織,其宗旨就是聯合全世界的人們一起解決因不正當採伐而造成的森林損壞,並提倡負責任的管理和開發森林,為此,FSC公布了一系列國際標準並在全球森林與木材經營組織中推進這項認證,簡稱FSC認證,該項認證在歐美等發達國家已經被企業和消費者廣泛接納,而在我國則開展不久。
盡管FSC認證是非強制性的,但是隨著公眾環保意識的增強,FSC認證對於企業經營活動的影響越來越大。一些國際知名的跨國公司為了迎合消費者的環保消費心態,樹立公司的綠色形象,都已聲明要購買和銷售認證產品。如全球家居零售業巨頭--瑞典宜家家居公司 (IKEA) 對其在全球最大的原料採購基地--中國提出了 FSC 認證要求,銷售額高達 400 億美元的美國Home Depot 公司全部銷售認證產品,英國百安居公司年銷售 300 萬立方米木制品,其中認證的比例已達到了 95%。所以安信取得FSC認證也意味著安信的產品取得了進軍國際市場的"通行證",可以享受歐盟的關稅優惠,並可能被納入發達國家的政府採購範圍。
6) Close discussion - What's next :
a) New business / services relating to your organisation / company :
W: : Please consider the shrinking forest before printing this email.
Event website: Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Supply Chain 2008
The Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism has registered its 1000th project, an energy efficiency project in Andhra Pradesh, India, expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 34,000 tonnes annually. The project was registered by CDM Executive Board Chair Rajesh Kumar Sethi at an impromptu ceremony at a joint coordination workshop in Bonn, Germany.Press release:
Climate partners :
Database for TUV service :
3) Cost concern
4) CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
This journal published in association with CSR Asia, providing a practical resource for the ever increasing number of organisations who undertake environmental audits, apply environmental management systems and are interested in associated corporate environmental management tools. The focus of the journal is on practical case studies, the reporting of best practice, debate on the effectiveness of tools and knowledge about important developments in the area. It discusses issues of methodology, principles, practice, science, technology and law. It is a refereed journal and contributions of a high quality aimed at an interdisciplinary audience are invited.
5) FSC :
FSC(The Forest Stewardship Council),即森林管理評價委員會,是由世界自然基金會組織發起的一個非盈利的國際組織,其宗旨就是聯合全世界的人們一起解決因不正當採伐而造成的森林損壞,並提倡負責任的管理和開發森林,為此,FSC公布了一系列國際標準並在全球森林與木材經營組織中推進這項認證,簡稱FSC認證,該項認證在歐美等發達國家已經被企業和消費者廣泛接納,而在我國則開展不久。
盡管FSC認證是非強制性的,但是隨著公眾環保意識的增強,FSC認證對於企業經營活動的影響越來越大。一些國際知名的跨國公司為了迎合消費者的環保消費心態,樹立公司的綠色形象,都已聲明要購買和銷售認證產品。如全球家居零售業巨頭--瑞典宜家家居公司 (IKEA) 對其在全球最大的原料採購基地--中國提出了 FSC 認證要求,銷售額高達 400 億美元的美國Home Depot 公司全部銷售認證產品,英國百安居公司年銷售 300 萬立方米木制品,其中認證的比例已達到了 95%。所以安信取得FSC認證也意味著安信的產品取得了進軍國際市場的"通行證",可以享受歐盟的關稅優惠,並可能被納入發達國家的政府採購範圍。
6) Close discussion - What's next :
a) New business / services relating to your organisation / company :
W: : Please consider the shrinking forest before printing this email.
Event website: Carbon Footprint: Sustainable Supply Chain 2008
The Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism has registered its 1000th project, an energy efficiency project in Andhra Pradesh, India, expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 34,000 tonnes annually. The project was registered by CDM Executive Board Chair Rajesh Kumar Sethi at an impromptu ceremony at a joint coordination workshop in Bonn, Germany.Press release:
b) Customers / Buyers' moves :
e.g. Wal Mart to pay more for sustainably sourced products
Global Sourcing:
Scott also announced that Wal-Mart will launch a major, retail-industry effort to improve social, ethical and environmental standards in the supplier factories that the company sources from. He reminded the managers that Wal-Mart's customers want products that are made in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible way.
e.g. HSBC : Corporate Leadership on environmental and social aspects
e.g. Wal Mart to pay more for sustainably sourced products
Global Sourcing:
Scott also announced that Wal-Mart will launch a major, retail-industry effort to improve social, ethical and environmental standards in the supplier factories that the company sources from. He reminded the managers that Wal-Mart's customers want products that are made in a socially, ethically and environmentally responsible way.
e.g. HSBC : Corporate Leadership on environmental and social aspects
c) Self learning :
The Voice of the Supply Chain
You are invited to attend Aberdeen's Voice of the Supply Chain Webinar - Research findings from the 2008 Supply Chain Management (SCM) Summit. There is no cost to attend this 60 minute live Web conference which will reveal the on-site research findings from the audience of supply chain professionals in attendance at Aberdeen's recent SCM Summit. Participants will also get a sneak peak into our upcoming research, enabling you the opportunity to reach out to our Analysts and chime in on relevant research topics.
Access Aberdeen's Recent Supply Chain Management Reports:
Building a Green Supply Chain
Supply Chain Innovator's Technology Footprint 2008
Global Trade Compliance Priorities in 2008
The Changing Role of Logistics Service Providers in Today's Supply Chain
Supply Chain Network Design: Architecting a Green Future
Click Here to Register for the Executive Webinar
d) Award (「香港環保卓越計劃」)
A lot of useful information in for reference too.
e) CSR / Environmental reporting : see example provided
d) Award (「香港環保卓越計劃」)
A lot of useful information in for reference too.
e) CSR / Environmental reporting : see example provided
7) Useful reference
CSR-ASIA website :
绿色制造资源中心 - HKQAA :
一站式知識資料庫 :
Research Publications :