Guess what figure below :-
Entrepreneur/Manager/Technician 75
Money 37
Customer/Sales 50
Reliable Employees 37
Find out who is belonging to :-
The Entrepreneur, The Manager ,The Technician ,
Dreamer, Visionary, Inventor Pragmatist, Organizer, Planner, Facilitator Doer, Producer, Tinkerer ........
Find out in your company .....
Function The one who creates the vision. The one who turns the vision into action. The one who gets the work done.
Motivation Drive to know more, be more, and to expand one's reach. Drive toward order and results through processes and systems. Drive toward perfecting one's craft or technical expertise.
Focus is on the future and creating the vision for the business.
Focus is on the present and achieving results through others.
Focus is on the present and performing the hands-on work of the business.
How ?
Thought Process "What's never been done before?" "If we work as a team, we can get this done." "I've really got this process down to a science."
Relationship to Money
Views money in terms of equity
Views money in terms of profit
Views money in terms of income
The fact :
The Technician thinks: Time = Work = Money. I spend the time, I work hard and I earn money. To get more money, I work harder.
The Entrepreneur thinks: Time = Equity = Freedom. I spend the time, I build the equity of my business and I get free of the business. To get more freedom, I build more equity.
The Technician thinks: I do the work.
The Entrepreneur thinks: Someone else does the work.
Take Action :-
>>>>>>>Getting your Roles Right
>>>>>>>>>>>you must view your business as your end product
In the blog of "Technician to Entrepreneur", it suggests that change starts with the way you think about yourself and your business. I invite you to read Technician to Entrepreneur and share your experiences with us.
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