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12月12日為「國際行動日」- 減碳行


CSR news in Hong Kong

Charming Garden: Improve the effectiveness of your internal audit

Charming Garden: Improve the effectiveness of your internal audit

Charming Garden: Improve the effectiveness of your internal audit

Charming Garden: Improve the effectiveness of your internal audit

Improve the effectiveness of your internal audit

When we perform audits, our client always ask the same question : How can improve our own internal audit effectiveness ? the answer is here. Let's take a look and comment and share your view here as well.



You can dive here....

You are one of them in the bright day !

you can swim here...

Just start your journey from the pier of Hong Kong .....

Do you want to protect her or enjoy ...

Let's enter to voice out your suggestions ...


Hong Kong International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair●4-6 November 2009

TÜV SÜD cordially invites you to visit its exhibit in Hong Kong International Medical Devices and Suppliers Fair at booth no. 3FF12. Please stop by to visit its representatives at the booth to learn more about the one-stop service for you.


TUV SUD in E-Fair 2009

It is the first time to join and stay in our booth in E-Fair

With our partners or competitors ?!


「Perfect Match」義工招募行動


因此,透過“Perfect Match” 行動,期望能招募有心人貢獻能力和時間,為各區正面對逆境的兒童和家庭,提供各類型活動和服務,促進發展人幫人之社區情懷。


What is CSR ?

CSR Asia Summit 2008

CSR video

Patagonia- Corporate Social Responsibility and the Supply Chain



Steps to build your 22000 Food Safety Management System

Step 1: Learn about ISO 22000 and/or FSSC 22000

- To understand what the ISO 22000 requires and how it will affect your organization.

Step 2: Compare your current system to the requirements.

In order to be able to plan your project, you will need to know exactly what needs to be done in your organization to meet the requirements of the standard. Identify what requirements you already meet, and list the ones that need to be addressed.

To accomplish this, perform a gap analysis. I recommend check our information page in website and ask our help for our gap analysis

Step 3: Plan your project

Once you have your list of requirements that you need to address, you can start planning your project. Using teams to implement the FSMS is a very efficient and effective approach. It brings in employees from all parts of the organization to participate in the development and implementation, assuring the effectiveness of the final system as well as employee ownership of the system.

Reminders :

- Using a team approach

- ISO 22000: The project Plan

- make use of 22000 Implementation Workbook and Presentations

Step 4: Design and document your system

With the team approach to implementation, there is a team assigned for each of the processes that must be documented. For example, a team assigned to work on the document control system and procedure will work together to make any changes to the current system to bring it into compliance. Then they will document the procedure as well as any necessary work instructions or forms.

The team uses information from the Gap Analysis to determine what must be done to bring the process into compliance. They may also use a prewritten procedure to assist them. This will provide them with a foundation to work from as well as an example of a process that complies with the 22000 requirements. They will tailor the procedure to reflect your processes.

Hints :

- Documentation of processes
- make use of Documentation Package available in internet

Step 5: Train employees and an internal audit team

In order to complete the implementation of the system, employees must be trained, both any new processes that have been implemented and on the requirements of the standard.

We recommend our training program as below:-

Understanding 22000 Food Safety Management Systems: train your employees individually. Each employee completes the training on a computer.

You will also need to train an internal audit team. Train enough auditors so you will be able to maintain your audit schedule. We recommend our Internal Auditor Training program. This program will train your auditors on 22000 FSMS Auditing, as well as the basics of HACCP and PRP programs. They will be guided through a practice audit of your facility.

Step 6: Have your registration audit

When the day of your Registration Audit has arrived, it is time to showcase your Food Safety Management System. The Auditor or Auditors are coming in to see how you have addressed the requirements of ISO 22000 or FSSC 22000, and how you have designed your FSMS

The Registration Audit


5 CRM strategies

As recommended by Gartner, here are five CRM strategies that companies can undertake now while not breaking the bank:

1. Target Customer Communities
Like many other analysts, Gartner expects that future CRM strategies will rely on "creating online communities of customers" using social media, including Facebook, Twitter and other websites. These Web tools are quite free, of course.

"The economic downturn provides a great opportunity to begin experimenting in this area," noted the report, "and Gartner advises companies to set up accounts on the various websites and learn what they do and don't do, and how users interact" with a company's brand and systems.

2. Scour Customer Analytics
The average enterprise has already bought and installed analytic and customer intelligence packages (with varying degrees of success), and economic downturns are great times to tap into that computing horsepower. "Many companies have more information than they know what to do with," states the report, "and now they have the opportunity to put this to good use studying attrition models, looking at the next most likely to buy models, and figuring out channel usage patterns."

Of course, as the report points out, decision-makers using the analytic tools should remember that customer behaviors may change significantly when the economy finally does improve.

3. Review Customer-Segmentation Tactics
Gartner research found that many segmentation strategies are based on "psycho-demographics, profitability or account attributes," noted the report. "However, a down economy provides companies with the opportunity to review their segmentation strategy and see if it really is the very best one that they could have."

4. Fix Broken CRM Processes
Process is "often an overlooked part of CRM and in many cases all that CRM technologies have done is taken out old, broken processes and made them run more efficiently," noted the report. But they're still bad processes.

Now is as a good a time as any to reexamine customer processes with a mindset to redesigning poor, inefficient ones. The end result for this strategy, according to Gartner, would be to create situation in which both parties win: the company-which gets greater efficiency-and the customer-who gets a more interactive "partner."

5. Change Your Organizational Structure
Not everyone likes change. And any type of organizational change can be one of the most difficult areas of CRM strategy, Gartner stated. However, noted the report, "many companies need to make the move from product-centric to customer-centric." A down economy typically offers "fewer distractions," and many companies should find that this is the perfect time to begin addressing some of the organizational issues that get in the way of identifying the needs of and serving their customers, according to Gartner.

"At the end of the day, CRM is all about change. Changing from product to customers, changing age-old processes, changing enterprise mindsets, and changing how companies relate to customers," noted Gartner's Nelson. "All of this can be done without new systems, and the challenging economic environment may give companies just the chance they have been waiting for.


5S database -Video

Examples :

see for all


Knowledge into action

The creation and dissemination of applied knowledge lies at the heart of our mission. In addition to undertaking postgraduate studies at Cranfield or attending an executive development programme, you can access and engage with this knowledge in a number of ways:

* Visit the Knowledge Interchange Online to keep up-to-date with the latest research and opinion from Cranfield wherever you are in the world. Alumni and executive development clients who subscribe to the KI service can also access key business and management databases for commercial use.

* Access a wealth of management information through the Management Information Resource Centre (MIRC). MIRC’s services are available to students and executive development clients while they are at Cranfield.

* Engage with a Research Centre or join a Research Club to be a part of the latest thinking, address specific issues within your organisation and also to influence the wider research agenda for improving the practice of management.

* Subscribe to Think Cranfield a regular e-newsletter that will keep you in touch with topical business issues, latest management thinking and research findings, as well as forthcoming events at Cranfield.

* Subscribe to Management Focus the journal of Cranfield School of Management. Each issue contains articles on topics affecting managers today, drawing on Cranfield’s research and expertise.

Join our knowledge community. You will be very welcome.


OEM - > ODM -> OBM

Some key words you must know :-

OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturing -> may be you are
ODM : Own Designing and Manufacturing -> maybe you plan to be
OBM : Own Branding and Manufacturing -> Maybe you are afraid of or love to be

No matter what you want to be, just open your mind to explore your future , and develop your own business model which can be sustaining.

My clients keep asking me what the strenthen or chances for HK companies to survive nowaday. The answer may rely on the creative thinking and the branding ? What do you think ?


文:洪興立 ( 香港理工大學工商管理研究院高級講師 )
圖:SCMP Digital Collections


See details in

Carbon Off Passport

Let's search and study our new travelling model based on this idea !


Leadership In Hard Times

Leadership In Hard Times
Leading - and Succeeding - in a Downturn

Don't leave your team stranded.

"The truth is that no one factor makes a company admirable. But if you were forced to pick the one that makes the most difference, you'd pick leadership."

Warren Bennis, Organizational Consultant and Author

As organizations adapt to changing business environments, the need for effective leadership is especially critical.

When times are good, leading a company or a team is exciting. Resources are plentiful, customers are satisfied, and opportunity is everywhere. However, when the economic conditions are challenging, this excitement and positive energy tend to weaken. People often feel the pressures of work, and they fear for their job security. These worries and fears present a major challenge for leaders who want to keep their teams on target and productive.

Good leadership is good leadership, regardless of the economic climate. However, during difficult times, top-notch leadership skills become even more important. Second-rate leaders might be able to keep a company going in a strong economy, but you need high-performing leaders to succeed in tough times.

Of course, you need leaders who can control costs and conserve cash. However you also need leaders who see opportunity - and who will strive to seize that opportunity - despite all the negativity. You need leaders who remain committed to their people. And you need leaders who can transfer their own positive outlook to the people around them.

Create New Opportunities

In an economic downturn, you need to conserve your resources so that you can survive. However, you also need to position yourself to benefit as competitors falter, and to be ready when the economy recovers. An economy in decline is often an opportunity to regroup, rethink, and renew. To take advantage of new opportunities, consider doing the following:

Review your strategy - Figure out which objectives you're meeting, which ones need more emphasis, and which ones you should reconsider or drop as the environment around you changes.

Lead by example - Now, more than ever, you have to lead 'from the front' by setting an example. Take personal responsibility for customer care and contact. Actively pursue new business. Show that you're willing to make extra effort to commit to the organization's success.

Add value - One of the ways that leaders can gain greater market share and improve operations is by really listening to their customers. Look for innovative ways to add value without adding costs, and win customers who aren't being well served by your competitors.

Use market conditions to create a stronger business model for the future - If you're a senior manager, consider looking for bargains, in terms of mergers and acquisitions, which will improve your company's future competitive position. Whatever level you're at, negotiate keener rates with suppliers, which you can continue to enjoy after the economy recovers.

Take the opportunity to trim costs - Encourage cost-consciousness within your team or organization. Now is a great time to do this - everyone knows that times are tough, and people will be more willing than ever to cut unnecessary costs.

Implement a continuous improvement plan - Look at your systems and processes to find efficiency opportunities. Lead the way in building a culture of continuous improvement (members only). You can use these savings to pursue the numerous opportunities created by the downturn.
Commit to Your People

Negative messages are all too common during economic downturns. People are losing their jobs, unemployment rates are going up, and personal and corporate bankruptcies are increasing. This can weaken morale, both in the workplace and in society as a whole, and it can tip people into panic, severely damaging their productivity.

It doesn't have to be that way. Don't abandon your people. Use this time to reinforce how important they are, and build the skills they need to help the company survive.

Invest time in leadership skills training - Leadership is key to success. The better your leaders are, the better it is for you, your team, and the organization. OK, you may not want to spend a lot of cash on leadership training, however, when times are slow, you may be able to invest much more time than before in management and leadership development.

Retain your best people - Part of good leadership is keeping costs under control. However, profits are made by your people. Don't cut back on attracting quality people, and make every effort to retain your best team members by treating them with dignity and respect.

Be creative with recruitment and retention - Salary increases may not be possible, but you can do lots of other things to create attractive work conditions. See our members' article on Managing During a Downturn for specific ideas.

Build a motivating workplace - It's easy to focus too much on specific tasks and the bottom line, especially at a time when resources are limited and "cash is king". As a leader, however, you can't let that stop you finding ways to motivate your workforce. Sirota's Three-Factor Theory suggests the following:

Treat people fairly - When you can't avoid layoffs, give people as much warning as you sensibly can. Talk honestly about what's happening, and how cutbacks will affect them. And if you're cutting people, try to cut the volume and scope of the work you do so that you don't overload those who are left.

Provide useful work for which people are recognized - Be careful about reassigning the workloads of people who have been laid off. Take time to determine who is best suited for which tasks, and remember to give lots of praise. Match people's skills and interests with the work you need done.

Foster good relationships at work - If you have to stop the Friday company-sponsored lunch at a restaurant, replace it with a low-cost potluck event. Try to avoid cutting it entirely.
For more ideas on building motivation in the workplace, and improving individual motivation and performance, see Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors.

Project Positive Energy

Good leaders provide hope and vision. These two qualities can keep a workplace going, even during tough times. People need someone they can trust - someone who is inspiring, and knows how to get things done. As a leader, make it a priority to do the following:

Expect great things from your people - Within reason, the more you demand, the more opportunity you give people to perform, which can be highly motivating. However, don't push too hard, and remember to communicate your expectations.

Keep in touch with your people - Use the MBWA (Management By Wandering Around) technique (members only) to find out what's going well, and what needs your attention. Remember to recognize and praise success. Staying connected builds relationships and trust. In tough economic times, you need your staff to perform especially well. The more they know you care, the more likely they are to respond to your call for action.

Be visionary - Leaders with vision, passion, energy, enthusiasm, and real engagement with their staff, are the key drivers of economic growth. Stay focused on the big picture, and manage to the best of your abilities.

Take care of yourself - Respect your own feelings and emotions during difficult times. Where appropriate, share your concerns with people you trust, and build a network of people you can talk to, however work hard to remain upbeat - if you're constantly worried, others will sense this. Get enough rest to keep yourself fresh, and manage your emotions to keep your creativity and self-confidence high.
Key Points

Leadership during good economic times has its challenges. But those challenges increase when the economy is tough, and staff are worried about keeping their jobs and paying their bills.

In these conditions, leaders and managers must keep a sharp eye on their environment, prepare for recovery, support their people, and project enthusiasm and energy. By remaining positive, supporting your people, and looking for new business opportunities, you can help your company survive - and succeed - through the difficult times. Leadership performance is critical to organizational success, so use all of the assets available to you.

Online carbon calculators for businesses

The Carbon Trust:
The Carbon Neutral Company:
C Level:
Pure Trust:

Learn how the Global FT500 are measuring and verifying their GHG emissions. Buy the Corporate greenhouse gas emissions reporting 2008 report.

Ten ways to remain competitive in the changing workplace

1. Attract talent by being a better employer
2. Find better ways to prolong working life
3. Analyse and use competence to full advantage
4. Synchronise training and development with economic requirements
5. Improve partnership between the public and private sectors
6. Encourage inclusive workforce
7. Promote universal English and Mandarin
8. Support vocational training that makes people job-ready
9. Encourage labour flexibility and cross-training
10. Invest in education and enabling technology
Source: Manpower Inc


TUV US - Videos

Video Title
Stream Type
TÜV SÜD Corporate Video (2006)

TÜV SÜD Product Service / TÜV SÜD Management Service


TÜV SÜD Automotive

TÜV SÜD Product Service: EMC for Medical Devices - Presented by American Medical Review


eco-Videos from HP

Watch HP Environmental Videos
»HP and the Environment Trailer (1:18)
»Making Offices More Energy Efficient (1:30)
»Better Ideas for the Environment (1:29)
»Recycle Your Products (1:33)
»HP Recycling: Planet Partners (4:36)
»Energy Conservation Solutions from HP (5:40)
»Supply Chain Strategy (5:48)
»Designing for the Environment (6:03)
»Recycling and Reuse of IT Assets (2:40)
»HP Print Cartridge Recycling Tour (4:35)
»HP and the 2009 Special Olympics Winter Games Go Green (5:08)


Certification - DIY

Check our services to improve your QMS ->

Get our Logo for promotion purpose:-

Download Center for Certification Marks
Welcome to the TÜV SÜD Management Service Download Center for Certfication Marks.
On the following pages, we offer you the opportunity to download the certification mark matching your certificate and thus communicate your commitment in your brochures, on the Internet, on your business cards, on posters etc. ...

Helpful Guide for ISO9001:2008 Upgrading

Dear friends,

After much delay, ISO has finally released ISO 9001:2008 on 14 Nov 2008, Even if you are involved with other standards, don't forget that ISO 13485, 14001, TS 16949 & AS9100 are all based upon ISO 9001 so you should be familiar with the new 9001 revision.

Announcement of the release of ISO 9001:2008. Please visit the ISO website for more information

What's Next :-

* Buy a copy of the ISO 9001:2008 Standard or download them from here
* Learn about the changes 9001:2008 brings and the new ISO 2008 guide.
* Get the comparation table in Chinese for study
* Check your Certification Body or ISO for Transition schedule :
ISO and IAF announce schedule for implementation of accredited certification to ISO 9001:2008
i.e. Validity of certifications to ISO 9001:2000
- 1 year after publication of ISO 9001:2008 all accredited certifications issued (new certifications or recertifications) shall be to ISO 9001:2008.
- 24 months after publication by ISO of ISO 9001:2008, any existing certification issued to ISO 9001:2000 shall not be valid.

Planning for upgrading of your QMS :

- Improve your audit skill by ISO 9001 Auditing Practices Group

- Conduct Impact analysis for your company (collect and analysis all IQA audit result)

- Conduct gap analysis for your QMS

- Form the cross-functional team as the working team for transition process

- Check your CB about the transition arrangement

- Set the target for process re-engineering with documentation amendment to upgrading QMS

- Provide training and communication with all employees for upgraded QMS

Ensure to confirm their awareness / understanding after training by using our new service "ISO 9001:2008 Comprehension & Competency Evaluation Assessment"

- Conduct internal audit to confirm the updated QMS

- Follow-up the deviation / NC and confirm the effectiveness of taken actions

- Select the suitable tools / methods / IT system

- Intergrated all applied tools to QMS and keep continual improvement for QMS

Useful info:-

*The ISO Survey of Certifications - 2007 has also been released, The survey shows the expansion of ISO 9001 to other countries as well asgrowth in other ISO standards (13485, 14001, TS 16949).
* ISO Releases Video on the ISO 9000 family of Standards

Our TUV SUD special Offer :-
*To help celebrate the long awaited release of this version, our ISO 9001:2008 Special Offer is as below :-


TUV SUD America's on demand webinar
ISO 9001: 2008 - Introduction & Essential Changes

Summary of Webinar :
1) Impact you need to know : vary based on your maturity level of organisation
2) Next version : ISO9001:2015 => Major change involved
3) Inputs for amendment of ISO9001 to 2008 VERSION
4) Principle for this version : accept High benefit / Low impact suggestions
5) Change outlines : standard Annex B - Table B.1
6) Advantage of this upgrading : chance for enhancement of QMS
7) Reason for clarification in notes -> avoid liberal interpretation
8) Transition arrangement
9) Impact to other standards (ISO9000:2005 , ISO9004:2009 ; ISO13485 ; AS9100 ; TS16949; TL9000)
10) Summary of Changes :
a) Additional notes : 10 nos (1.1/4.1/ 6.2.1/ 6.4 / 7.2.1 / 7.3.1 / 7.3.3 / 7.6 / 8.2.1/ 8.2.3)
b) 3 nos revised notes in 4.2.1 / 7.5.4 / 8.2.2
c) Major change in outsourcing requirement & configuation of IT system

11) Our TUV IDEAL PROCESS : Info Gathering -> Discovering & Evaluation -> Audit -> Learning


ISO9001 Upgrading articles


Helpful links

- ISO 9001
-AS9100 Aerospace
-TS 16949 Automotive
-ISO 13485 Medical Devices
-ISO 14001 Environmental
-ISO 22000 Food Safety
-Free Flowcharting Software:
-ISO 9000 Informational Blog

Useful Slide Shows about ISO9001:2008 :

The Differences Between ISO9001:2000 and ISO9001:2008
How to Pass an ISO9001:2008 Audit: A Case Study

Getting Equipped to Meet the Challenges of the Economic Downturn (in Chinese)
Implementation of ISO 9001:2008
ISO 9001:2008 vs ISO 9001:2000


Action Item :

Try to arrange internal auditor training to your internal auditor team first :-

Our TUV SUD IQA auditor training in GD area :

ISO9001 内部审核员培训_深圳 2009-03-23

日期: 2009年3月23日 - 2009年3月25日


联系人:蒋夏 小姐(深圳)


e.g. Coming 2 days (20-21 Mar) IQA auditor in PRC by HKPC

Learning new tools :
TÜV 南德意志集團大中華區- FMEA, APQP新版介紹-深圳
聯繫人:蔣夏小姐(深圳) 電話:0755-88286998*207212;13760199252 電子郵件 蘇志明先生(南寧) 電話:0771-5596052;15877159496 ...


What TUV SUD can do ?

Support you to develop and improve your business model to run business in profitable way.


Obama’s rescue plan explained

By FT reporters

Published: February 10 2009 20:08 | Last updated: February 10 2009 20:08

The US Treasury has unveiled a revamp of its financial rescue plan, pledging to clean up to $1,000bn dollars of distressed assets from banks’ balance sheets and inject fresh capital into troubled institutions.

In our graphic, Financial Times reporters explain each part of the rescue plan – click on the button under each column to hear their analysis

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009


Unlimited time, unlimited resource ?

The beauty of technology is that it accomplishes repetitive tasks at blinding speed. Combined with human intelligence, this can produce powerful systems to improve business efficiency and simplify our working lives.

But to procure, deploy and maintain those systems, sometimes we need to step back, take a deep breath, and take the time to carefully consider a particular aspect. Sometimes, we need to think even more deeply: about the overall picture now, and about how it might look a few years later.

Sit back and relax, we meet you at next moment and you will gain more out of normal certification audit.

I hope it is our "difference" when comparing with other / your Certification Body (CB).


ISO9001:2008 -> Q&A in Outsouring................Mr. Govind Ramu

Q1 : “What is Outsouring?”

i) Outsourcing is the transfer of products, services, and business processes to an external service provider.
ii) Outsourcing involves contracting with an outsourcing partner, which may or may not involve offshoring.
iii) Other terms used in the outsourcing world are “multisourcing”, “nearshoring”, etc.

Q2: “Why Outsourcing?”

Four factors were considered:
i) Significantly reduce overall costs.
ii) Reduce “Time to Volume” (TTV) for new products.
iii) Access to an abundance of human resources, localized skills and knowledge, etc.
iv) Supply chain efficiencies when products are shipped directly to customers (Drop Ship) – which related to Lean.

Q3: “What Does Quality have to do with outsourcing?”

Quality is applicable to the overall process of creating products and/or services, which all aspects of outsourcing are considered. Without due diligence and appropriate controls, outsourcing could end up being costlier than in-house manufacturing or service, and customer dissatisfaction.

Therefore, ISO 9001:2008 version concerned the control over outsourced processes.

i) Quality in Project Management
· Scope Creep, Risk Management & Lessons Learned
· Challenges: IP Protection
ii) Quality in Team Management
· Managing multicultural team and their roles & responsibilities
· RACI or RASCI (Who responsible? Who accountable? Who to be consulted? Who to be informed? Who to be supporter?)
· Challenges: Team Attribute and Virtual Teams
iii) Quality in Communications Management
· Avoid the lost out of listening (using active listening)
· Challenges: Technical Interpretation & Virtual Teams
iv) Quality in Knowledge Management
· Structured Approach: DIKW Chain-the-metaphorical (Link, pace & node of transfer)
· Challenges: Tacit Knowledge (Encourage documenting tacit knowledge by driving out fear)
v) Quality in Supply Chain Management
· Supplier Selection, Performance, Improvement & Service Level Agreement (SLA)
· Challenges: IP Protection
vi) Quality in Engineering Management
· Business Model; Traceability-record Retention and Third Party Surveillance
· Challenges: Failure Cost

Tips in Choosing a Consultant

The Certifying Body should not be the Consultant!
Do not believe consultants who claim alignment to a specific Certifying Body. Everyone must be aligned to the standard
Do not believe in claims that they can coerce a certain Certifying Body to issue an easy certificate
Do they have the industry capability / management system capability?
Check the Track record
Scope of work should be defined
Timeline should be defined

Tips in Choosing a Certifying Body

Choosing a certification body

The following comments from ISO :

When choosing a certification body to carry out ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 14001:2004 certification, these are the aspects the organization needs to take into account.

The first point is that an organization can implement ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 14001:2004without seeking certification. The best reason for wanting to implement the standards is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of company operations. Certification of the management system is not an ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 14001:2004 requirement.

Deciding to have an independent audit of the system to confirm that it conforms to ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 14001:2004 is a decision to be taken on business grounds: for example
if it is a contractual or regulatory requirement
if it is a market requirement or to meet customer preferences
if it falls within the context of a risk management programme
or if the organization thinks it will motivate staff by setting a clear goal for the development of its management system.

Criteria to consider include:
evaluate several certification bodies
bear in mind that the cheapest might prove to be the most costly if its auditing is below standard, or if its certificate is not recognized by the organization's customers establish whether the certification body has auditors with experience in the organization's sector of activity establish whether the certification body implements, or is migrating to ISO/IEC 17021:2006, Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems

Another point to clarify is whether or not the certification body has been accredited and, if so, by whom. Accreditation, in simple terms, means that a certification body has been officially approved as competent to carry out certification in specified business sectors by a national accreditation body.
In most countries, accreditation is a choice, not an obligation and the fact that a certification body is not accredited does not, by itself, mean that it is not a reputable organization.

For example, a certification body operating nationally in a highly specific sector might enjoy such a good reputation that it does not feel there is any advantage for it to go to the expense of being accredited. That said, many certification bodies choose to seek accreditation, even when it is not compulsory, in order to be able to demonstrate an independent confirmation of their competence.

The list of accreditation bodies with their contact information and links to their Web sites can be found on the Internet site of the International Accreditation Forum (, under "Members" > "Accreditation members". In general, accreditation bodies' Web sites contain an up-to-date list of certification bodies that they have accredited which can be used for selecting a certification body.

Summary of consideration factors

- The Certifying Body should not be the Consultant!
- Local Capability or Import?
- In-house or Subcontracted Auditors
- Should not only be recognized in your region but globally recognized (IAF)
- Prestige / Mileage (known by your customer)
- Geographic Strength
- Accreditation to Certify the Standard in Question
- Accreditation to Certify the specific Industry Scope in Question (3rd party vs 2nd party audit)
- Authorization of Auditors?
- Pricing?
- Track Record?
- Client Retention?
- Expansion Options?

Why Certification? => Benefits of Certification !

Why Certification?

To Satisfy Customer / Government Requirements
To Pre-Qualify for Projects / Supplier Accreditation
To Minimize Problems / Risks
To Optimize Operations
For Consistency
To Plug out Leaks /Lost Money
To Convert Human Intellectual Capital into Structural Capital (Knowledge Management)
For Continual Improvement (PDCA)
To be used as a Management Tool
To be used as a Marketing Tool

Benefits of Certification

Customer Focus :
Satisfies Customer Requirement & Expectations
Reduced Risks
Consistency In Specifications
Improved Quality
On-Time Completion

Marketing tool
Repeat Business
Higher Economic Returns
Improved Image
Marketing Edge
Internationally Recognized Quality

Increase capability
Improved Inter-Office Communications
Improved Company Performance
Controlled Processes
Corrective Action

Value for Money
Reduced Wastage of Materials
Reduced Production Cost

Preventive Measures


Start with entrepreneurial thinking in your post

Guess what figure below :-
Entrepreneur/Manager/Technician 75
Money 37
Customer/Sales 50
Reliable Employees 37

Find out who is belonging to :-
The Entrepreneur, The Manager ,The Technician ,
Dreamer, Visionary, Inventor Pragmatist, Organizer, Planner, Facilitator Doer, Producer, Tinkerer ........

Find out in your company .....
Function The one who creates the vision. The one who turns the vision into action. The one who gets the work done.
Motivation Drive to know more, be more, and to expand one's reach. Drive toward order and results through processes and systems. Drive toward perfecting one's craft or technical expertise.

Focus is on the future and creating the vision for the business.
Focus is on the present and achieving results through others.
Focus is on the present and performing the hands-on work of the business.

How ?
Thought Process "What's never been done before?" "If we work as a team, we can get this done." "I've really got this process down to a science."

Relationship to Money
Views money in terms of equity
Views money in terms of profit
Views money in terms of income

The fact :
The Technician thinks: Time = Work = Money. I spend the time, I work hard and I earn money. To get more money, I work harder.

The Entrepreneur thinks: Time = Equity = Freedom. I spend the time, I build the equity of my business and I get free of the business. To get more freedom, I build more equity.

The Technician thinks: I do the work.

The Entrepreneur thinks: Someone else does the work.

Take Action :-
>>>>>>>Getting your Roles Right

>>>>>>>>>>>you must view your business as your end product

In the blog of "Technician to Entrepreneur", it suggests that change starts with the way you think about yourself and your business. I invite you to read Technician to Entrepreneur and share your experiences with us.

Visit Mastery Impact!


Seminar : ISO 9001:2008 & Get Equipped to meet the Challenges of the Economic Downturn

Upgrade your ISO 9001:2000 to ISO 9001:2008 & Get Equipped to meet the Challenges of the Economic Downturn on 5 Jan 2009

Panel discussion :-

1) How to manage the ISO9001:2008 upgrading process in my company ?
2) The calibration of ruler story ...
3) How to measure the training effectivenss ?

For my answer on above questions in Q1 & Q3, pls see my prior blog articles for my viewpoints and suggestions.

For the story of the ruler ..

The certificated client : all rulers bring to outside Lab for calibration ?

From Auditor : it is acceptable for the external calibration of master ruler , but not all. The internal rulers could be calibrated internally based on this master. The focus is not the calibration on this ruler, but the control including the verification of this ruler before use.

From Calibration Lab : It is definitely the good news for all ISO9001 certificated companies bring all their rulers for calibration , we earned a lot indeed.....

About Me

Hong Kong, China
Independent Management Coach (Business partner in Certification sector)